Kumpulan bank soal merupakan suatu kumpulan soal-soal SD,MI,MTS,SMP,SMA,SMK dan Artikel baik yang baru maupun yang lama. Sebagai bahan buat guru dan siswa dalam menghadapi Ujian Nasional, Semester, Mid semester dan untuk belajar lebih awal.
Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a,b,c atau d pada jawaban kamu anggap paling benar!
1. My I...the TV
a. Ride
b. Sing
c. Watch
d. Wash
2. Iwan :How are you
Budi :..........
a. I am fine
b. Good night
c. Good morning
d. How do you do
Jawaban d
3. My sister reading a book, sister is
a. Sudara perempuan
b. Keponakan
c. Ayah
d. Ibu
4. Menggambar in English is...
a. Drawing
b. Studying
c. Painting
d. Cutting
Jawaban a
5. Hidung in English is...
a. Hiar
b. Feet
c. Nose
d. Head
Jawaban c
6. Ranti...Playing volleyball
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Was
Jawaban b
7. Dapur in English is....
a. Bathroom
b. Bedroom
c. Kitchen
d. Garden
Read the text to answer the questions no 8-9
Mr. Eko : Good morning class!
Student : ......(8) Sir!
Mr. Eko :.......(9)
Student :we are fine, thank you
8. a. Good afternoon
b. Good evening
c. Good luck
d. Good morning
Jawaban d
9. a. Are you fine
b. Hallo
c. How are you today
d. I am fine thank you
Jawaban d
10. Fifteen minus five are...
a. Ten
b. Twenty five
c. Four
d. Twenty
Jawaban a
11. Nice to... you
a. Meet
b. Mit
c. mid
d. Mad
12. Mother in Indonesia is...
a. Adik
b. Kakak
c. Ibu
d. ayah
Jawaban c
13. My father has father. He is my...
a. Niese
b. Sister
c. Brother
d. Grandfather
Jawaban d
14. Chalk in Indonesia is...
a. Kapur
b. Penghapus
c. Papan tulis
d. Pena
15. After Monday is...
a. Sunday
b. Tuesday
c. Friday
d. Saturday
16. My father has a sister. She Mrs. Yuni. Mrs. Yuni is my
a. Uncle
b. Aunt
c. Grand mother
d. Mother
17. I like to play football. Football is...
a. Kelereng
b. Sepak bola
c. Basket
d. Seluncur
Jawaban b
18. Papan tulis in Englis is....
a. Ruler
b. Blackboard
c. Table
d. Bag
Jawaban b
19 Fajar : excuse me Sir. Can you help me?
Mr. Bagus : What can i do for you?
The underline word means...
a. Membuat
b. Menyapu
c. Membantu
d. Mempunyai
20. The teacher write on the...
a. Blackboard
b. Desk
c. Chalk
d. Pen
21. Don't forget to wash your hand before you eat!
a. Mencuci
b. Menyapu
c. Meletakkan
d. Menulis
Jawaban a
22. "ELephant" in Indonesia is...
a. Buaya
b. Gorila
c. Gajah
d. Burung
Jawaban c
For number (23-27)
Fara's full name is Nyoman Faradina. She is from Bali. She is eight years old. Fara is Hinduism. She lives at Jl. Gajah Mada 21. She studies at SD Harapan Bangsa. Her hobby is writing.
23. Where is fara come from?
a. Nyoman Faradina
b. She is from Bali
c. She is Hinduism
d. She is eight years old
24. Fara lives in...
a. Bali
b. Jl. Gajah Mada
c. Hinduism
d. Harapan Bangsa
Jawaban b
25. How old is fara?
a. Five
b. Six
c. Seven
d. Eight
Jawaban d
26. Where is Fara's school?
a. In Bali
b. Writing
c. Harapan Bangsa
d. Jl. Gaja Mada 21
Jawaban c
27. Fara's hobby Writing. Writing is...
a. Membaca
b. Menulis
c. Menggambar
d. Melukis
28. the callroom is...
a. Table
b. Book
c. Pencil
d. Pen
29. To Write on the whiteboard. We use...
a. Erase
b. Pencil
c. Market
d. Ruler
30. "Bag" in Indonesia is...
a. Penggaris
b. Pencil
c. Pen
d. Tas
Jawaban d
31. There is a DICTIONARY on the table.
The underline word is...
a. Buku
b. Peruncing
c. Kamus
d. Penghapus
32. Stand up please ! It means...
a. Tolong berdiri
b. Tolong duduk
c. Tolong angkat
d. Mari berdo'a
33. Ayu : Hallo...?
Desi : My name is Desi
a. What is your idea?
b. What is your name?
c. What is your hobby?
d. Where do you live
Jawaban b
34. We...student
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. It
Jawaban c
35. The month after March is...
a. February
b. December
c. March
d. April
Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a,b,c atau d pada jawaban kamu anggap paling benar!
1. My I...the TV
a. Ride
b. Sing
c. Watch
d. Wash
Budi :..........
a. I am fine
b. Good night
c. Good morning
d. How do you do
Jawaban d
3. My sister reading a book, sister is
a. Sudara perempuan
b. Keponakan
c. Ayah
d. Ibu
4. Menggambar in English is...
a. Drawing
b. Studying
c. Painting
d. Cutting
Jawaban a
5. Hidung in English is...
a. Hiar
b. Feet
c. Nose
d. Head
Jawaban c
6. Ranti...Playing volleyball
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Was
Jawaban b
7. Dapur in English is....
a. Bathroom
b. Bedroom
c. Kitchen
d. Garden
Read the text to answer the questions no 8-9
Mr. Eko : Good morning class!
Student : ......(8) Sir!
Mr. Eko :.......(9)
Student :we are fine, thank you
8. a. Good afternoon
b. Good evening
c. Good luck
d. Good morning
Jawaban d
9. a. Are you fine
b. Hallo
c. How are you today
d. I am fine thank you
Jawaban d
10. Fifteen minus five are...
a. Ten
b. Twenty five
c. Four
d. Twenty
Jawaban a
11. Nice to... you
a. Meet
b. Mit
c. mid
d. Mad
12. Mother in Indonesia is...
a. Adik
b. Kakak
c. Ibu
d. ayah
Jawaban c
13. My father has father. He is my...
a. Niese
b. Sister
c. Brother
d. Grandfather
Jawaban d
14. Chalk in Indonesia is...
a. Kapur
b. Penghapus
c. Papan tulis
d. Pena
15. After Monday is...
a. Sunday
b. Tuesday
c. Friday
d. Saturday
16. My father has a sister. She Mrs. Yuni. Mrs. Yuni is my
a. Uncle
b. Aunt
c. Grand mother
d. Mother
17. I like to play football. Football is...
a. Kelereng
b. Sepak bola
c. Basket
d. Seluncur
Jawaban b
18. Papan tulis in Englis is....
a. Ruler
b. Blackboard
c. Table
d. Bag
Jawaban b
19 Fajar : excuse me Sir. Can you help me?
Mr. Bagus : What can i do for you?
The underline word means...
a. Membuat
b. Menyapu
c. Membantu
d. Mempunyai
20. The teacher write on the...
a. Blackboard
b. Desk
c. Chalk
d. Pen
21. Don't forget to wash your hand before you eat!
a. Mencuci
b. Menyapu
c. Meletakkan
d. Menulis
Jawaban a
22. "ELephant" in Indonesia is...
a. Buaya
b. Gorila
c. Gajah
d. Burung
Jawaban c
For number (23-27)
Fara's full name is Nyoman Faradina. She is from Bali. She is eight years old. Fara is Hinduism. She lives at Jl. Gajah Mada 21. She studies at SD Harapan Bangsa. Her hobby is writing.
23. Where is fara come from?
a. Nyoman Faradina
b. She is from Bali
c. She is Hinduism
d. She is eight years old
24. Fara lives in...
a. Bali
b. Jl. Gajah Mada
c. Hinduism
d. Harapan Bangsa
Jawaban b
25. How old is fara?
a. Five
b. Six
c. Seven
d. Eight
Jawaban d
26. Where is Fara's school?
a. In Bali
b. Writing
c. Harapan Bangsa
d. Jl. Gaja Mada 21
Jawaban c
27. Fara's hobby Writing. Writing is...
a. Membaca
b. Menulis
c. Menggambar
d. Melukis
28. the callroom is...
a. Table
b. Book
c. Pencil
d. Pen
29. To Write on the whiteboard. We use...
a. Erase
b. Pencil
c. Market
d. Ruler
30. "Bag" in Indonesia is...
a. Penggaris
b. Pencil
c. Pen
d. Tas
Jawaban d
31. There is a DICTIONARY on the table.
The underline word is...
a. Buku
b. Peruncing
c. Kamus
d. Penghapus
32. Stand up please ! It means...
a. Tolong berdiri
b. Tolong duduk
c. Tolong angkat
d. Mari berdo'a
33. Ayu : Hallo...?
Desi : My name is Desi
a. What is your idea?
b. What is your name?
c. What is your hobby?
d. Where do you live
Jawaban b
34. We...student
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. It
Jawaban c
35. The month after March is...
a. February
b. December
c. March
d. April