Sunday, 29 March 2020



1. Zika : "How are you, Ida?
ida? :...
a. I am student
b. A am fine
c. I am beautiful
d. I am clever

2. ...Your name?
a. What is
b. Where do
c. How old
d. What di

3. My school open start at 7:30 ...
a. a.m
b. p.m
c. m.a
d. m.p

4. Yuli is...(tinggi)
a. Short
b. Tall
c. Thin
d. Fat

5. I goto bed at...
a. 06:00 am
b. 3:30 pm
c. 12:00 pm
d. 9:00 pm

6. It is...( 09.20 )
a. Nine past twenty
b. Nine o'lock
c. Twenty past six
d. Twenty past nine

7. " Oh, He is my cousin" the underline world means is...
a. Adik saya
b. Sepupu laki-laki saya
c. Kakak saya
d. Bibi saya

8. Market close at afternoon, it is 03:00...
a. m.a
b. a.m
d. m.p

9. The calender is next to the...(papan tulis)
a. Blackboar
b. The table
c. Cupboard
d. The map

10. A doctor works ia a...
a. School
b. Restaurant
c. Market
d. Hospital

11. "Selasa" in english is...
a. Wednesday
b. Friday
c. Monday
d. Tuesday

12. It is twenty second day.
The underline world means...
a. Kedua puluh
b. Kedua belas
c. Kedua puluh enam
d. Kedua puluh dua

13. The first month is...
a. Febuary
b. January
c. December
d. November

14. After july is...
a. June
b. August
c. May
d. April

15. After april is...
a. Febuary
b. June
c. May
d. March

16. How many month in a year?
a. 7
b. 24
c. 30
d. 12

17. I have black hair.
The underline world means
a. Rambut
b. Kepala
c. Telinga
d. Hidung

18. My mouth is small.
the underline world means...
a. Telinga
b. Mulut
c. Hidung
d. Mata

19. "Perut" in english is...
a. Arm
b. Stomach
c. Hand
d. Shoulder

20. Look at this, the dear is...(lapar)
a. Angry
b. Sleep
c. Hungry
d. Dirsty

21. Monkey, elephant and lion live at...
a. Forest
b. Home
c. Pond
d. Farm

22. Those are...(40) chairs
a. Seventeen
b. Fotry
c. Two
d. Five

23. Miss anita is...(berdiri) in frount of the class
a. Sleep
b. Book
c. Standing
d. Pencil

24. Adit and valen...In the canteen
a. Is standing
b. Are parking
c. IS singing
d. Are eating

25. I think an elephant, it is...
a. Long
b. Small
c. Short
d. Big

26. The animal can fly, it like flowers, and it produce honey, this animal is...
a. A bee
b. An ant
c. A snake
d. A butterfly

27. ...Is a beautiful insect, it likes flowers.
a. An ant
b. An elephant
c. A butterfly
d. A cat

28. It is a wild animal.
The underline world means is...
a. Binatang buas
b. Binatang kesayangan
c. Binatang ternak
d. Binatang peliharaan

Essay 1
1. August :..............
2. Maret  :..............
3. Guava and grape :........
4. Bird and tiger  :........
5. Table and chairs:.......
6. My class is...4B and 5B
7. My mother is...(memasak) in the kitchen
8. "keep silent" in indonesia is...
9. Rani is wearing a...(sepatu)
10. I...wearing a blue shirt

Essay 2
1. Mention 3 name days in a week!
2. What day after friday?
3. How many days in a week
4. Rani adalah seorang perawat. translate in to english!
5. Tranlate into indionesia!
a. Blackboard
b. Cuppboard
c. Table
d. Ruler
e. Pencil casse
c. p.m

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