Friday, 24 April 2020


1. Mr. arie adam's father.
   Adam is Mr. Arie's....
a. Sister
b. Son
c. hom
d. Her

2. The tacher work in the...
a. Market
b. Hospital
c. School

3. the student study in the...
a. office
b. Hospital
c. Clasrom
d. Canteen

4. Is-Mr.Ahmad-a-denstint
The Corret order is...
a. Denstist is a mr.ahmad
b. Mr. ahmad a dentist is
c. Mr. ahmad is a dentist
d. Is Mr. ahmad a dentist

5. What does prasetyo hair loook like?
a. His hair is short an straight
b. His hair is clean and neat
c. His hair is chubby
d. he is a diligent boy

6. His berdrom alwaysm neat and clean
   The indonesian sentece is...
a. Kamarnya selalu rapi dan indah
b. Kamarnya selalu rapi dan bersih
c. kamarnya selalu indah dan bersih
d. Kamarnya selalu kotor dan berantakan

7. Presetyo is a...
a. Beloved boy
b. Handsome boy
c. Thin boy
d. diligent boy

8. the t-shirt rp 75.000.00
   the english senteces for the price is...
a. Seven five thosand rupiahs
b. Seven fifty thousand rupiahs
c. Seventy fifty thousand rupiahs
d. Seventy five thousand rupiah

9. Rainy seasomn in indoensian is...
a. Musim panas
b. Musim kemarau
c. Musim semi
d. musim hujan

10. Has-indonesia-seadon-two
    The corret order is...
a. Indonesian has season two
b. indonesia has two season
c. Indonesia two has season
d. Indonesia season has two

11. vivi has stomach
    the indonesian sentence is...
a. Vivi sakit perut
b. Vivi sakit tenggorokan
c. Vivi sakit gigi
d. Vivi sakit kepala

12. "Cook" Means...
a. Makan
b. Minum
c. Memasak
d. Mambaca

13. i'am vegetable. my colour is orange. I'am very good for you eyes. i am a...
a. Pumkin
b. Chily
c. Eggplant
d. Carrot

14. A...Work in the restaurant
a. Fisherman
b. Waiters
c. Teacher
d. Seller

15. The park is behind the school.the behind is...
a. Depan
b. Samping
c. Belakang
d. seberang

16. You have a bicycle. the bicycle is...
a. Kereta
b. Gerobak
c. Sepeda
d. Motor

17. Nonik the bed room
a. Sleping
b. Eating
c. Traveling
d. Swimming

18. Moslems pray in the...\
a. Mosque
b. Church
c. Temple
d. Airport

19. Wahat is near of the town...
a. tiger
b. Wild animals
c. zoo
d. Building

20. Is the zoo very big...
a. No,it is not
b. No,they are not
c. Yes it is
d. Yes, it does

21. What are the big tiger doing...
a. eating
b. Crawling
c. Jumping
d. Sleeping

22. Why do many people like to go there...
a. Because it's amusing them
b. Because it's a big zoo
c. Because it's near from the town
d. Because we can thouch wild animals

essay 1
1. The cat has a tail. The underline word is meaning...
2. A red and white uniform means...
3. The cap is on the table.On is meaning...
4. "Sepatu hitam" in english....
5. The animals that like banana and can climb the tree. it's is...
6. She is beautyful. Means...
7. Tonday is mondaty, yesterday is...
8. Peacook is a kind of bird. it has beautiful fur. peacocl is....
9. Arrange into a a good sentence

Essay 2
1. Who is the president of indoensia?
2. Indonesian has 2 season. the are...
3. Mention 3 animal that live in the farms!
4. My hobi.....(berenang)
5. Orange contains vitamin.......

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