Saturday, 6 June 2020


1. Mom     : Good night fsrhsn. hsvr s nice dream (semoga mimpi indah)
   Farhan  : .........Mom.
a. Good morning
b. Good  night
c. Good afternoon
d. Good evenening

2. The student study (belajar) in the...
a. Market
b. Mosque
c. School
d. Bank

3. Andi goes to school in the morning. morning artinya...
a. Pagi
b. Siang
c. Sore
d. Malam

4. the colour of my in the morning. morning artinya...
a. Black
b. White
c. Red
d. Yellow

5. Lion, cat and dog are kinds of (adalah jenis)...
a. Fruits
b. Animal
c. Flower
d. Transportasi

6. My father go to office. in bahasa is...
a. Ayahku pergi ke sawah
b. Ayahku pergi ke pasar
c. Ayahku pergi ke kebun
d. Ayahku pergi ke kantor

7. M-A-R...E-T the missing letter is...
a. H
b. L
c. J
d. K

8. Borobudur is a famous (Terkenal) indonesia.
a. Temple
b. Museum
c. Mosque
d. Hospital

9. My uncle is sick (Sakit) so he has go to (harus pergi ke) meet (bertemu) doctor.
a. Beach
b. Hospital
c. Bank
d. School

10. Flag ceremony (upacara bendera) always held on...
a. Friday
b. Sunday
c. Saturday
d. Monday

11. A: Do you like eat banana?
    B: No....
a. I do not
b. I do
c. She does not
d. He does

12. Mr. hendry has a duty (tugas) to catch the ctiminals. he is
    a....( Polisi)
a. Nurse
b. Teacher
c. Doctor
d. Policeman

13. Rani      : How old are you rudi?
    Rudi      : ..........
a. I am ten years old
b. She is ten years old
c. He is ten years old
d. You are ten years old

14. They are a happy family. "happy" means...
a. Sedih
b. Kecewa
c. Bahagia
d. Marah

15. My uncle is coming. uncle artinya...
a. Paman
b. Bibi
c. Ayah
d. Kakek

16. She is a nurse. dalam bahasa indoensia kalimatnya menjadi...
a. Dia seorang penari
b. Dia seorang perawat
c. Dia seorag penulis
d. Dia soerang penyanyi

17. Ratna is crying because she is sad. the underline world means...
a. Bahagia
b. Marah
c. Senang
d. Sedih

18. There is a...(Kucing)
a. Leopard
b. Cat
c. Lion
d. Tiger

19. Student -am-I-a
    Arrage (susunlah) the setence above.
a. I student am a
b. I am student a
c. I am a student
d. Am a I student

20. The leader (pemimpin) of a school is a...
a. Teacher
b. Heasmaster
c. Student
d. Nurse

21. There are...dogs (4)
a. Four
b. Five
c. Six
d. Seven

22. Rabbit eat (makan)...
a. Banana
b. Cheese
c. Sinach
d. Carrot

23. A: Where is headmaster?
    B: He is in the...(Kantor)
a. Office
b. Post office
c. Field
d. House

24. The month after march is...
a. July
b. June
c. April
d. May

25. The day before monday is...
a. Saturday
b. Sunday
c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday

26. Today is my birthday. my birthday in bahasa indonesia  is...
a. Ulang tahunku
b. Ulang tahun ayah
c. Ulan tahunnya
d. Ulang tahu ibu

27. Doni wears...( sepatu hitam )
a. Black shock
b. Whote shock
c. White shock
d. Blask shoes

28. There are many animals in the...( Kebun binatang )
a. Temple
b. Farm
c. Zoo
d. Forest

29. There are...Cats (12)
a. Twelve
b. Ten
c. Eleven
d. Nine

30. I like noodie. the underline world means...
a Tahu
b. Mie
c. Temple
d. Roti

31 I love playing (bermain) a kite "kite" dalam bahasa indonesia adalah...
a. Bendera
b. Boneka
c. Layang- layang
d. Mobil-mobilan

Essay 1
1. Doni is wearing a white shocks. the underline world means...
2. The student study in the...    (Ruang kelas)
3. The day after monday is...
4. I am hungry. I want....(roti)
5. Anak laki laki in english is...
6. We have two..... (mata)
7. Open the...please!  (pintu)
8. Bibi in english is...
9. Post office in indonesia is...

Essay 2
1. Tranlate the world bellow to bahasa indoensia (artikan)
a. Temple
b. Mosque
c. Hospital
2. "Saya seorang guru" in english is...
3. Mention (sebutkan) 3 names od day (Hari)!
4. Mention 3 names of colour (Warna)!

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