Saturday, 6 June 2020


1. My sister reading a book, sister is...
a. Keponakan
b. Saudara perempuan
c. Ayah
d. Ibu

2. Andi: How are you ?
   Dedi: ............
a. i'm fine
b. Good morning
c. Good nigt
d. How do yo do

3. My I...The TV ?
a. Wash
b. Watch
c. Ride
d. Sing

4. Hidung in english is...a.
a. Hair
b. Nose
c. Feat
d. Head

5. Bobi...playing football!
1. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Was

6. Twenty five minus five are...
a. Twenty
b. Twenty one
c. Fourteen
d. Nineteen

7. Fourten minus four are...
a. Ten
b. Four
c. Five
d. One

8. Nice
a. Mit
b. Meet
c. Mid
d. Mad

9. Brother in indonesia...
a. Bapak
b. Kakak laki-laki
c. Adik
d. Kakek

10. Grandmother in indonesia...
a. Paman
b. Bibi
c. Kakek
d. Nenek

11. Dapur in english is...
a. Kitchen
b. Bathroom
c. Garden
d. House

12. Chalk in indonesia...
a. Penghapus
b. Kapur
c. Papan tulis
d. Pensil

13. Devi: good morning
    Reni: ...........
a. Good night
b. Good morning
c. Good by
d. Good evening

14. This is my head, head is...
a. Ramput
b. Kepala
c. Tangan
d. Telinga

15. playing volleyball.
a. Name
b. Hobby
c. Favourite
d. Address

16. "71" what number is it ?
a. Seventy one
b. Seventy two
c. Seven
d. Seventy

17. Rambut panjang in english is...
a. Long hair
b. Hair
c. Short hair
d. Long

18. Mata besar in english is...
a. Eyes big
b. Big eyes
c. Eyes small
d. Small

19. She has two...(Saudara laki-laki)
a. Father
b. Brother
c. Uncle
d. Sister

20. NEPHE...the mising letter is...
a. T
b. D
c. P
d. W

21. Papaan tulis in english is....
a. Black board
b. Ruler
c. Desk
d. Table

22. I like to play football, fotball is...
a. Sepak bola
b. Slancar
c. Basket
d. Bola voli

23. Elepant, in indonesia is...
a. Kuda
b. Buaya
c. Gajah
d. Burung

24. Rabbit, in indonesia is...
a. Kancil
b. Kelinci
c. Anjing
d. Kambing

25. The teacher write on the...
a. Desk
b. Chalk
c. Board
d. Black board

26. Dina's hobby is writing, writing is...
a. Membaca
b. Menulis
c. Menggambar
d. Menyanyi

27. from ?
a. Are
b. Is
c. In
d. Have

28. This
a. The
b. Are
c. An
d. a

29. Good bye in indonesia is...
a. Selamat pagi
b. Selamat siang
c. Selamat tinggal
d. Selamat malam

30. My uncle in indoenesia is...
a. Ayah saya
b. Bibi saya
c. Paman saya
d. Kakak saya

31. PER...ER write the missing letters.
a. L
b. P
c. W
d. B

32. Open you book, book means...
a. Kotak
b. Buku
c. Tas
d. Sepatu

33. Beautiful in indonesia is...
a. Pintar
b. Malas
c. Tinggi
d. Cantik

34. Lion in indonesia is...
a. Ular
b. Singa
c. Kuda
d. Gajah

Essay 1
1. Ruler in indonesian is...
2. BRE...R write the missing letter is...
3. Open you book, in indonesia...
4. R-A-E-R-S-E arrange this word...
5. "100" in english is...
6. "Sugar" means...
7. "teacher" means...
8. RUL...R the missing letter is...
9. "UNCLE" means...
10. "BOX" means...

Essay 2
1. Write down in english the world below!
a. Menulis
b. Membuka
d. Membaca
2. Mention 3 name of animal! ( Sebutkan 3 nama bintang)
3. Translate to indonesia the world below!
a. Bag
b. Box
c. Book
4. Wrote down in english the world below!
a. Uncle
b. Brother
c. Mother
5. "Good morning" inindonesia is...

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