1. David : good morning!
Kevin :.....
a. Good night
b. Good afternoon
c. Good morning
d. Good evenng
2. Teacher : How are you?
Student :....
a. I am fine
b. Good morning
c. Good night
d. How do you do?
3. Hidung in english...
a. Nose
b. Hair
c. Feet
d. Head
4. This is my head. head is...
a. Rambut
b. Tangan
c. Kepala
d. Telinga
5. Rambung panjang is...
a. Hair long
b. Short hair
c. Long hair
d. Curly hair
6. Mata besar is....
a. Eyes big
b. Small eyes
c. Eyes small
d. Big eyes
7. Dinda has pointed nose. in indoensia...
a. Dinda mempunyai hidung panajang
b. Dinda punya hidung mancung
c. Dinda punya hidung kecil
d. Dinda punya hidung pesek
8. Siska and tasya are my sister. the underline world means...
a. Saudara laki-laki
b. Bibi
c. Saudara perempuan
d. Anak laki-laki
9. Farah : Nice too meet you nadya.
Nadya :....
a. I am fine
b. How do you do
c. Thanks you
d. Nice to meet you too
10. My...is playing football
a. Hobby
b. Name
c. Favoritr
d. Addres
11. Dina's hobby is reading. reading in indonesia...
a. Menulis
b. membaca
c. Menonton
d. Melukis
12. Ronald : Where do you live?
Ado :...
a. My name is aldo
b. I'm fine
c. I live in jakarta
d. Thanks you
13. Marko's addres is jln. hasanuddin 15. the underline world means...
a. Nama
b. Hobi
c. Jalan
d. Alamat
14. Mr. sutomo is my garndfather. the underline world means...
a. Kakek
b. Nenek
c. Ayah
d. paman
15. She has two...(saudara laki-laki)
a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Nephew
d. Father
16. N E P H E...the missing letter is
a. T
b. W
c. D
d. G
17. What is her full name?
a. Faradina
b. Khoirunisa
c. Faradina khorunisa
d. Fara
18. How old is faradina?
a. Seven years old
b. Six years old
c. Four years old
d. Eight years old
19. What is faradina study?
a. SD harapan bunda
b. SD mekar sari
c. SD Harapan Bangsa
d. SD N 2 Jakarta
20. What is her hobby?
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Watching
d. Swimming
21. Mrs. Farida : can you give sweep the floor ?
Dinda : Yes,Sure
a. Membeli saya gula
b. Memberi saya gula
c. Membawakan saya gula
d. Menjual gula
22. Teacher : Can you sweep the floor?
Student : Yes,of curse
a. Membersihkan
b. Menghapus
c. Mengepel
d. Menyapu
23. Beautiful-she-is-girl
a. She beautiful is girl
b. She is beautiful girl
c. She is girl beautiful
d. She girl is beauty
24. Dina is taller than nina...the underline world means....
a. Lebih tinggi
b. Lebih rendah
c. Lebih cantik
d. Lebih pintar
25. Davil will make a cup of tea. he will need...(gula)
a. Salt
b. Ketchup
c. Flour
d. Sugar
26. What is "penggaris" in enlish...
a. Eraser
b. Marker
c. Ruler
d. Sharpener
27. Ten apples in the basket
a. There is
b. There are
c. This is
d. That is
28. Take you book. in indoensia is..
a. Letakkan bukumu
b. Buang bukumu
c. Simpan bukumu
d. Bawa bukumu
29. My shirt is dirty. dirty in indoensia....
a. Bersih
b. Bagus
c. Kotor
d. Wangi
30. Mr. farhan is a teacher. teacher in indonesia...
a. Perawat
b. Supir
c. Guru
d. Dokter
31. Dia adalah seorang guru. in english is....
a. She is a driver
b. She is a dancer
c. She is a driver
d. She is a teacher
32. Daniel:....
Vika :My name is vika
a. Where do you live
b. What's your name.
c. What's you hobby?
d. How are you?
33. Open the door!in indonesia...
a. Tutup pintu!
b. Tutup jendela!
c. Buka jendela!
d. Buka pintu!
Essay 1
1. "saudara perempuan" in english....
2. "Touch you head" means...
3. "Open you book" means....
4. There are....days in a week
5. Raffi : nice to meet you
Danang : ......
6. Can you sweep the flor? in indonesia....
7. "120" in english is....
8. Rani is smart student. in indonesia....
9. "Cantik" in english is....
10. "Sugar" means....
Essay 2
1. Write down in english the world below
A. Membaca =...
b. Menulis =...
c. Membuka =...
2. My hooby is.....and.....
(Berenang) (Membaca)
3. Write down in english the world below!
a. tutup pintu b. Bersihkan jendela c. Buka jendela
4. Write down in english the wolr below!
a. Anak laki laki
b. anak perempuan
c. Nenek
5. Mention 3 names of animal (sebutkan 3 nama binatang)!
Kevin :.....
a. Good night
b. Good afternoon
c. Good morning
d. Good evenng
2. Teacher : How are you?
Student :....
a. I am fine
b. Good morning
d. How do you do?
3. Hidung in english...
a. Nose
b. Hair
c. Feet
d. Head
4. This is my head. head is...
a. Rambut
b. Tangan
c. Kepala
d. Telinga
5. Rambung panjang is...
a. Hair long
b. Short hair
c. Long hair
d. Curly hair
6. Mata besar is....
a. Eyes big
b. Small eyes
c. Eyes small
d. Big eyes
7. Dinda has pointed nose. in indoensia...
a. Dinda mempunyai hidung panajang
b. Dinda punya hidung mancung
c. Dinda punya hidung kecil
d. Dinda punya hidung pesek
8. Siska and tasya are my sister. the underline world means...
a. Saudara laki-laki
b. Bibi
c. Saudara perempuan
d. Anak laki-laki
9. Farah : Nice too meet you nadya.
Nadya :....
a. I am fine
b. How do you do
c. Thanks you
d. Nice to meet you too
10. My...is playing football
a. Hobby
b. Name
c. Favoritr
d. Addres
11. Dina's hobby is reading. reading in indonesia...
a. Menulis
b. membaca
c. Menonton
d. Melukis
12. Ronald : Where do you live?
Ado :...
a. My name is aldo
b. I'm fine
c. I live in jakarta
d. Thanks you
13. Marko's addres is jln. hasanuddin 15. the underline world means...
a. Nama
b. Hobi
c. Jalan
d. Alamat
14. Mr. sutomo is my garndfather. the underline world means...
a. Kakek
b. Nenek
c. Ayah
d. paman
15. She has two...(saudara laki-laki)
a. Brother
b. Sister
c. Nephew
d. Father
16. N E P H E...the missing letter is
a. T
b. W
c. D
d. G
17. What is her full name?
a. Faradina
b. Khoirunisa
c. Faradina khorunisa
d. Fara
18. How old is faradina?
a. Seven years old
b. Six years old
c. Four years old
d. Eight years old
19. What is faradina study?
a. SD harapan bunda
b. SD mekar sari
c. SD Harapan Bangsa
d. SD N 2 Jakarta
20. What is her hobby?
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Watching
d. Swimming
21. Mrs. Farida : can you give sweep the floor ?
Dinda : Yes,Sure
a. Membeli saya gula
b. Memberi saya gula
c. Membawakan saya gula
d. Menjual gula
22. Teacher : Can you sweep the floor?
Student : Yes,of curse
a. Membersihkan
b. Menghapus
c. Mengepel
d. Menyapu
23. Beautiful-she-is-girl
a. She beautiful is girl
b. She is beautiful girl
c. She is girl beautiful
d. She girl is beauty
24. Dina is taller than nina...the underline world means....
a. Lebih tinggi
b. Lebih rendah
c. Lebih cantik
d. Lebih pintar
25. Davil will make a cup of tea. he will need...(gula)
a. Salt
b. Ketchup
c. Flour
d. Sugar
26. What is "penggaris" in enlish...
a. Eraser
b. Marker
c. Ruler
d. Sharpener
27. Ten apples in the basket
a. There is
b. There are
c. This is
d. That is
28. Take you book. in indoensia is..
a. Letakkan bukumu
b. Buang bukumu
c. Simpan bukumu
d. Bawa bukumu
29. My shirt is dirty. dirty in indoensia....
a. Bersih
b. Bagus
c. Kotor
d. Wangi
30. Mr. farhan is a teacher. teacher in indonesia...
a. Perawat
b. Supir
c. Guru
d. Dokter
31. Dia adalah seorang guru. in english is....
a. She is a driver
b. She is a dancer
c. She is a driver
d. She is a teacher
32. Daniel:....
Vika :My name is vika
a. Where do you live
b. What's your name.
c. What's you hobby?
d. How are you?
33. Open the door!in indonesia...
a. Tutup pintu!
b. Tutup jendela!
c. Buka jendela!
d. Buka pintu!
Essay 1
1. "saudara perempuan" in english....
2. "Touch you head" means...
3. "Open you book" means....
4. There are....days in a week
5. Raffi : nice to meet you
Danang : ......
6. Can you sweep the flor? in indonesia....
7. "120" in english is....
8. Rani is smart student. in indonesia....
9. "Cantik" in english is....
10. "Sugar" means....
Essay 2
1. Write down in english the world below
A. Membaca =...
b. Menulis =...
c. Membuka =...
2. My hooby is.....and.....
(Berenang) (Membaca)
3. Write down in english the world below!
a. tutup pintu b. Bersihkan jendela c. Buka jendela
4. Write down in english the wolr below!
a. Anak laki laki
b. anak perempuan
c. Nenek
5. Mention 3 names of animal (sebutkan 3 nama binatang)!