Sunday, 7 June 2020


1. A:Hallo good morning?...
a. Good morning
b. Evening
c. Luck
d. Good night

2. Teacher    :Good...Student.
   Student    :Good evening sir?
a. Morning
b. Evening
c. Afternoon
d. Bye

3. A: Hallo how are you?
   B: ...
a. I'm fine
b. I'm sorry
c. You are fine
d. they are fine

4. What color of the watermelon?
a. Green
b. Blue
c. Orange
d. Red

5. When you meet the first people, you talk...
a. Good
b. Nice to meet you
c. I'm fine
d. How do you do

6. Is your name ari?No....
a. It is
b. Am not
c. I am
d. It is not

7. Where...are from
a. Is
b. Are
c. Have
d. Has

8. This
a. The
b. a
c. Are
d. An

9. These...five mangoes
a. A
b. an
c. The
d. Are

10. The mean of cabbage is...
a. Kubis
b. Ubi rambat
c. Kentang
d. Ketimun

11. Hi, my fullname is nadila febriana. Fullname artinya...
a. Nama
b. Nama lengkap
c. Nama panggilan
d. Nama depan

12. Yudha  : What is your hobby,icha?
    Icha   : My hobby is (membaca)
a. Dancing
b. Reading
c. Swimming
d. Singing

13. Good bye in indonesia is...
a. Selamat pagi
b. Selamat siang
c. Selamat malam
d. Selamat tinggal

14. Lina : Hello kevin! This is nova
    Kevin: Hi, i am kevin, nice to meet you nova
    Nova : ....
a. Nice to meet you to
b. Thansk you
c. All right
d. Ok

15. Dina is eight years old. artinya...
a. Dina berumur dekapan belas tahun
b. Dina berumur sembilan tahun
c. Dina berumur delapan tahun
d. Dina berumut tujuh tahun

16. What is your religion? I am a moslem. religion is...
a. Agama
b. Alamat
c. Hobi
d. Umur

17. What is the meaning of granfather?
a. Nenek
b. Ayah
c. Kakek
d. Ibu

18. Mr haun is my uncle. my uncle is...
a. Ayah saya
b. Paman saya
c. Ibu saya
d. Bibi saya

19. PEP...ER Write the missing letters.
a. L
b. p
c. W
d. B

20. Coklat in english is...
a. Chocolate
b. Jam
c. Sauce
d. Ketchup

21. BRE...K. Write the missing letters.
a. S
b. A
c. I
d. N

22. She is beautiful. beautiful means...
a. Cantik
b. Pintar
d. tinggi
d. Kurus

23. Open ypu bag. bag means...
a. Meja
b. Pintu
c. Kotak
d. Tas

24. What is"Meja" in englih ?
a. Desk
b. Ruler
c. Chair
d. Box

25. May I borrow your book ? book artinya...
a. Pensil
b. Pulpen
c. Buku
d. Tas

26. 69 What number is it ?
a. Sixty nine
b. Sixten nine
c. Ninety six
d. Nineteen Nine

27. Friday in indonesia is...
a. Sabtu
b. Minggu
c. Jum'at
d. Senin

28. This is a lion. artinya...
a. Ini adalah seekor kuda
b. Ini adalah seekor singa
c. Ini adalah seekor ular
d. Ini adalah seekor gajah

29. R-A-E-R-S-E arrange thos world!
a. Raerse
b. Erase
c. Areser
d. Eraser

30. Doni is very handsome. handsome artinya...
a. Ganteng
b. Baik
c. Pintar
d. Lucu

31. Faiz. Kinan. And tasya...student
a. Is
b. Are
c. Am
d. They

32. Miss kinar...A teacher
a. Are
b. Am
c. Is
d. She

Essay 1
1. May I borrow your ruler,please?ruler in indonesia is...
2. She...A teacher
3. There...Two means
4. "Uncle" in englsih is....
5. This is an eggplant, artinya...
6. Are you tasya? Yes,....
7. Devi   : how are you, deva?
   Deva   : ....
8. Flag, artinya....
9. Mother and father, artinya...

Essay 2
1. " Payung " in english is...
2. This is an avocado artinya...
3. The colour of coffe is...
4. Could you clean my room please ? clean artinya...
5. " Pelaut " in english is....

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